Grand Canyon
Georgia and I visited Arizona back in November. Here's her handiwork with the camera as I try to give perspective to the Canyon. Not a bad shot with a (obsolete, and now broken) Fuji Finepix. Some shots were as good as those I took with a friend's fancy-schmancy Nikon SLR. Other highlights of the trip included a tour of Canyon de Chilley and some hiking in the Phoenix area while Georgia was at her conference. What's this have to do with libraries? On the trip I also had the opportunity to visit several of the Phoenix Public Libraries, including the new Desert Broom branch - a somewhat shade-house/cave-like atmosphere that is much better than that describes it. One of the nice things about the Phoenix Libraries is that they let out of towners like me use their computers with very little trouble. On the four occasions I used the libraries I just had to say "I'm from out of town and need to use the internet" and they'd give me a PIN to enter, and voila I'm connected. No need for guest passes or collateral or filling out forms. Just simplicity for the user.
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