Transformational Librarian
So, this "usable library" blog is a bit narrow in scope. I have a great interest in making libraries usable, but I don't have much of an opportunity to do anything to make that come to fruition, which is why I haven't been writing much. However, a recent OCLC study makes me think that "Transformational Librarian" might be a good title and overall subject for a blog. I am, after all, on the lookout for ways I can help people. Nothing makes me feel better about the work I do than when I can help somebody, change somebody's life for the better. That's why I do what I do. Plus, I can think of lots of times I think I've helped transform somebody's life, even if just a little.
- You help somebody find a recording that helps improve a performance on a recital, improves the 50th anniversary party, or brings meaning to a memorial service.
- You find a gardening book that helps somebody rescue the dying hydrangea.
- You recommend a book that somebody really loves and comes back to ask for more by that author.
- You lend an ear to somebody who just wants to talk about the birds they're now attracting in their backyard.