Problems of Passion
Last week a patron wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper to express concern that her favorite part of the collection - adult fiction - has been moved from a place of ease and prominence on the main floor to a windowless part of the basement of the library. There's an unfortunate element to the letter in that it reflects a reaction to the present state of the library, which is still several months from completion in the renovation process. However, there is a positive element as well. This patron felt passionately enough about her books and her library to take the time to write a letter to the local paper.
There was a certain amount of consternation about her letter at the library from people who don't often interact directly with the patrons. They seemed to be taken off guard by the comments, though most public service staff have been receiving and documenting many similar public comments since the move took place. What is odd, however, is the consternation that sees a patron's comments as negativity for bold new plans rather than passion for what the patron has come to expect from the library - easy access to her collection and respect for books.
As a colleague point out, if you want people to feel passionately about their library then you have to be ready to have them disagree with you.
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